Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

7 tips & triks installasi BT 5

This time I share tips about a few things to be done & on time & will consider installing BT 5as we all know that the backtrack team has just issued a new release,,:)but also a variety of problems in the face of friends in doing the installation.without winded width let's discuss one by one
1. VGA as if not in support

after "startx" black blank screen .,.:(This problem arises because the existing script grub.cfg nomodesetmore or less like this:# # # BEGIN / etc/grub.d/10_linux # # #menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38' - ubuntu class - class gnu-linux - gnu class - class os {
insmod ext2
set root = '(hd0, 4)'
search - no-floppy - fs-uuid - set 4e732f15-95f4-47bf-ad22-a21c890674ca
linux / boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38 root = UUID = 4e732f15-95f4-47bf-ad22-a21c890674ca text ro splash vga = 791 nomodeset
initrd / boot/initrd.img-2.6.38
text command nomodeset splash vga = 791 mean machine / laptop we are forced to follow the default settings provided by VGA at devloper backtrackto overcome his nomodeset please delete it and then add the 0x in front of hex numbers,so it looks like:# # # BEGIN / etc/grub.d/10_linux # # #menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38' - ubuntu class - class gnu-linux - gnu class - class os {
insmod ext2
set root = '(hd0, 4)'
search - no-floppy - fs-uuid - set 4e732f15-95f4-47bf-ad22-a21c890674ca
linux / boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38 root = UUID = 4e732f15-95f4-47bf-ad22-a21c890674ca text ro splash vga = 0x791
initrd / boot/initrd.img-2.6.38
thus automatically operating system (backtrack 5), will adjust the resolution with our VGA cards, so now we can see the desktop backtrack. AMEN.

then please do the installation:) with comfortable ..:)

2. change the default root passwordwe will login with the defaultuser: rootpassword: Toorto change the default password is just typing "passwd" in the terminalthen enter new password:)
3. deal errors during driver installation, virtualbox, etc. (KDE)This problem arises because the kernel-source is not set correctlyto deal with the following command please Copas terminalprepare-kernel-sourcescd / usr / src / linuxcp-rf include / generated / * include / linux /

insha allah driver installation, virtualbox, etc. will run as usual. AMEN.
4. sound applet does not work (GNOME)not without support in the service but the sound does not work by default:)to overcome it please follow the steps below:
first go to preferences>> startup aplications then addgive up your name on the tab command input this command/ Usr / bin / pulseaudiothen save ..
5. enable visual effectsalthough not so fundamental need for this visual sometimes in need for some friends:)we start from the KDE
please go to settings> system settings>> desktop effects>> all effectit is the default which is served from backtrack own team, minimalist compiz for KDE please the person who tinkers ownOther facilities are also already available in earlier versions of KDE that is to change icons, themes, windows border & others we do not need to open (download it manually)on site since been provided for the plugins that connect directly to the site, just click get new themes are:). with a note connected to the internet of course: p
while for GNOMEwe need to install compiz manually:)apt-get install compiz CompizConfig-settings-manager compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
if we normally activates the effect just by right click on desktop and then setting the extra visual effects, then the backtrack 5 is not as easy as that..: D menu is disabled by default..: p
6. whatever application is needed
first we need a synaptic (for easy search packages that we need)
apt-get install synapticthen we need a jockey to see if our driver is detected by the Backtrack 5please in looking at synaptic already installed just now..: D
rest is up to you to stay alone in synaptic name search applicationmplayergimpxchatand so on ...:)
7. fix-splashfunction to beautify loading at boot time ..: D, usually after the installation that friends see is a black screen with white text running =))just typing:fix-splashat the terminal and then reboot ...:)
Thus I end this article ...:)everything I write here is absolutely right: D, it means ... this is only my subjective view of it .. because I honestly did not learn specifically about this, aka self-taught..: D, so do not think that my explanation in this 100% is correct.!
I basically do not dare to write stuff like this .. because of problems in the face when the installation is relative so it depends how we read the error and observe problems that occur on a laptop / CPU we ...:), each machine has its configuration respectively do not worry insha allah this paper can be considered companions because the average yes., so there ...: D

I hope what I write could be useful for the friends of all. AMIN ...if you were confused as well please googleing.,. ahahhhaa.,.because honestly this issue once again I emphasize RELATIVE..: D

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