Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Android 2.0, features of a little gem

android20 Android 2.0, features of a little gem 
Almost by surprise, Google has released version 2.0 of its Android platform for mobile phones, based on GNU / Linux. Once consolidated through various manufacturers that have been launched over this 2009 terminals based on this (besides HTC: Samsung, LG and Acer among others local and lesser known), with this new major version will reach a state art that makes Android at the height of Apple’s iPhone OS or Palm WebOS (in case anyone still doubted it).
Beginning with the news, it introduces support for multi-touch interfaces. If you wonder if this statement because you are accustomed to using your Android phone with your fingers, say you work on a touch interface (it seems, are not the same), and in case you can use the multi-mode device is due additions to software made by third parties. What has made Google (thanks to the independent community of developers that swirls around Android) is to integrate this functionality into the code base of the system, thus achieving multi native support on any phone that has the appropriate hardware.
The difference between an interface and a multi-touch is that while the former can only manage a pressure point on the screen and respond accordingly *, the second can manage multiple simultaneous points, not just responding to them but also act accordingly. For example, the typical image of using a multitouch interface is a slideshow program, and photographs, in which and through two fingers can rotate pictures.
The web browser, a key element of the operating system that has given the company behind them, has been improved including support for elements of the draft of HTML 5, a trend that follow the main desktop browsers. Stresses powerfully native support for full screen video by tag, something that Google is very interested given the success of YouTube, the video streaming service Internet leader, which it owns.
The address book is “internationalized” and thanks to the new API for exporting and importing data, you can now synchronize with any external service. It also provides the tools necessary to connect to Microsoft Exchange servers, although the final implementation and use of this functionality is up to each manufacturer. Personally, I think this is smart move for Android is a valid platform for building business phone, but without neglecting either the end user market, especially the most multimedia enthusiasts. The manufacturer, and depending on the orientation of the model being built, you can use or not use this functionality.
We found several improvements in Android 2.0, enough to write several articles, but here I have summarized the most important. Those interested in exploring a bit more in everything that can bring this new major revision of Google’s mobile platform, please contact the blog post on the company that details the specifics, and download free and free of charge Android SDK 2.0.
With the entry of several manufacturers in the field of Android (among Sony Ericsson, which recently presented the Xperia X10), this coming year 2010 was an excellent future holds for this platform based on Linux, and I’m sure we will see him achieve a quota respectable market, eating away market share from Windows Mobile, Symbian and to a lesser extent, BlackBerry. However, the assault on the iPhone platform I see it more difficult, but not for technical reasons, the fame among iPhone users makes it an object of fetishistic desire, which is often valued more than their technology status.
* And, in fact, if pressed on another point will see the cursor “goes crazy” going from one point to another or giving random answers.
This article has been written by Guillem Alsima for one of our partner sites, and automatically translated to english.


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