Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

how to restore your grub

maybe time to reinstall windows.,. or something that causes us ga grub look ..: D many ways you can do to restore grub in linux, brief, the following is the way I often use to snatch back the lost grub loader .. heee ....
booting from live CD, truz open the terminal ...
sudo fdisk-l

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System / Dev/sda1 1 9726 78124063 + 7 HPFS / NTFS / Dev/sda2 * 12159 21717 76782667 + 7 HPFS / NTFS / Dev/sda3 9727 12158 19526753 + 5 Extended / Dev/sda4 21 718 30 401 83 Linux 69,754,230 / Dev/sda5 10 787 9728 8514450 82 Linux swap / Solaris / Dev/sda6 10788 12158 11011072 7 HPFS / NTFS
Partition table entries are not in disk order

hiyaaa .... linux partition is on / dev/sda4 / next:
sudo mount-t ext4 / dev/sda4 / mnt / sudo mount-t proc proc / mnt / proc / sudo mount-t sysfs sys / mnt / sys / sudo mount-o bind / dev / / mnt / dev / sudo chroot / mnt / bin / bash
adjusted peritah
sudo mount-t ext4 / dev/sda4 / mnt / <<
with command2 is already typed in above, we can see the results at the terminal, that we actually get into the linux system that is in HD, but we take only the terminal sajha (/ bin / bash)
now lives sajha grub reinstall it:)
grub-install / dev / sda grub-install / dev/sda4

Good Luck

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