Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Problems of Computer

Perhaps now, the computer becomes an item that must be known and known mainly by most students. It is not mandatory, but of course we know the computer will make what we do easier. Even more than that, a collection of computers that are connected in a network or networks can be used to share resources and information.The question that frequently appear are, how if I can do tto take care of the computer ..? because no computer that we have rarely had damaged either due to a virus, a component in the computer CPU or crash damaged his installation that we do on the computer.It is better if we know how to treat the computer so that before the computer was broken, we are hard-very hard to take care of our computer, but if his time had been damaged yam au how again, here are the author wanted to share some tips for caring for your computer .... so lets check it now

1) Clean the motherboard and other peripherals (hardware) of dust on a regular basis. To clean it use a brush to smooth Kiga small and medium size. At least once every two months this should be done. Open the casing first and then clean the motherboard and other peripherals (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR / CDRW / DVRW, TV tuner) with a soft brush. At the time the computer is not used close the computer (monitor, CPU, keyboard / mouse) with a cover so that dust does not easily fit into a computer.2) Uninstall or remove programs that are not useful. Disk space consumed too much will slow down the read / write drive so that the workload will be more severe so that the disk will be easily damaged. Usually will appear warning also our disk space is full. Windows operating system already supports things like this will3) Clean the Recycle Bin on a regular basis. Actually the files / folders that we deleted from the hard drive does not disappear because it will be accommodated first in the Recycle Bin, but there are several types of settings that we can use, among others, provide a warning when deleting, remove and then store it temporarily or permanently removed. For settings that remove and then stored in these shelters with the intention for a moment if you still need to return again. Recycle Bin that has a lot of hard drive will also take up space that could lead to reading the hard drive so slow. How:>> Run the Windows Explorer>> Click the Recycle Bin>> Click File>> Click Empty Recyle Bin.Or you can run the Disk Cleanup function Way:>> Click Start>> Program>> Accessories>> System Tool>> Disk Cleanup>> Then select the drive which would be cleaned>> After that Tick the Recycle Bin option if you need to also check the other (such as temporary files, temporary internet files), after click OK.4) Install anti-virus program and update regularly. To be able to recognize new virus/trojan2 should update your antivirus program regularly. The virus is already spreading on the computer can make you re-install the computer. This is in addition to costs will also cause your hard drive will be more easily damaged than if it is not often re-installed. It's good that we menonaktifakan system restore by right clicking My Computer>> select System Restore>> and then check the check box by keretangan Turn off System Restore on all drives5) Close / close programs that do not use every program which is loaded or run requires memory (RAM) so that more courses which run who consumed more memory. This is in addition can cause the computer to run slow (slow) is also becoming heavier workload which can ultimately shorten the life of the component / computer6) Wear stavolt.Pakailah UPS or UPS for power in anticipation of a sudden death which can result in damage to the hard drive. If I have no UPS, use Stavolt to anticipate the ups and downs of electric voltage.7) Activate the screensaver is an aesthetic addition, the screensaver has another function which is important. CRT televisions also use a phosphor to display images. If the monitor displays the same image for a while then there is the phosphorus that burns continuously. This can lead to problematic monitor the picture becomes dim / less clear. Another case if your monitor is LCD, the LED which is equipped with energy saving, the screensaver is not too needed lagi.Cara + enabled screensaver can be done in many ways, one>> Click Start>> Control Panel>> Display>> Click the screensaver tab,>> Then choose according to your taste.Defrag your hard drive regularly. Defrag function is to organize and sort your files by type of hard drive files / data in such a way that will facilitate the read / write so that the workload will be lighter which could ultimately extend the life of the hard disk. How to click the Start menu> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk DefragmenterSaat perform this function there can be no other programs running including screen because it would disrupt the function of this defrag. For this method advisable not too often, why ....? Defrag is the process of setting the file on the hard disk. To set it to be in a position adjacent to the tracks that made friction to move. Defrag that is too often will cause the hard disk easily damaged because seringanya etching.9) Place adequate ventilation monitor and the CPU in such a way that the ventilation air to and from the monitor / CPU quite smoothly. Who lack good ventilation will cause excessive heat so that the components / electronic circuit in it will be a fast heat so it can shorten component life tsb. Therefore, try to distance between the monitor / CPU with wall / wall of at least 30 cm. If I need to install a fan in the room. It would be better if using air conditioning, plus cool hmm10) Do not put Speacker Active monitorKarena too close to the existing magnetic field on the monitor speacker will affect the color of the monitor to be uneven or mottled.11) Connect the ground cable. If the casing nyetrum, take a cable with a length as needed, the tip of an entity associated with the CPU (the casing) while the other end planted in the soil. This will be to neutralize the electric currents which "stray" so it can make more durable electronic components. (Taken from various sources)PROBLEMS ON THE MOTHER BOARDSymptoms:When turned on, no display on the monitor, the indicator light (LED) on the front panel is lit, the indicator light (LED) flashing monitors, power supply fan and processor fan spin, no beep sound on the speakers.Solution:The first step off all power cables connected to the electrical, data cable to the monitor, keyboard cable / mouse, and all cables connected to the CPU, then cashing out all the screw covers. In an open case please also remove other components, namely the voltage of power supply cables that connect to the motherboard, hard drive, floppy, be careful in the process do not rush. Likewise with the card attached to the Mboard (VGA, Sound or Other Card). Now attached to the motherboard just cashing it. Please check carefully Motherboadnya, see Chip (IC), Elko, transistor and others if anyone is on fire.If there are no signs of burnt components likely motherboard is still good, but there are times when Mboard does not work because of damage to the programs contained in the BIOSPROBLEMS ON THE HARD DISKSymptoms:The CPU time started and then did post after that process does not continue and was silent for a moment did not directly go to the operating system, and then the screen is the message 'disk error, disk Failur, after it appeared the message "press F1 to continou" after we pressing the F1 key does not enter operating system and the message "Operating system not found".Solution:Check voltage cableTroubleshooting CD / DVD / ROM / RWSymptoms:Type of damage is commonly encountered:1. Not detected in windows2. Not get out in CD3. Can not read / write / can only read it. (CD)4. Can not read / write / write protect (floppy disk)Solution:1) Check the data cable and voltage cable into the CD-floppy, check in bios setup if it is detected? should be set to auto. Check if the led is lit, if not damage the controller.2) Mechanical damage on the rubber motor or motors.3) Usually the optical damage, but there may still be improved in a way to set the ualng optic.4) Gross Head, can be cleaned using CutenbudBIOS problemSymptoms:Be careful in Bios Update, as he got the wrong update your BIOS version, the PC so no way you can not even get into the BIOS.Solution:Usually Update can not be undone, only certain type of motherboard that has a backup BIOS chip it, there is saved the original BIOS types that can not be removed, to be able to restore your stay special Jumper Position move that usually have no clue on the manuals. Then hidupka PC and wait 10 seconds, the original BIOS on Restore, restore Jumper position on the starting position, and the PC ready to run again. If the motherboard does not have pasilitas, BIOS chip should be sent to the manufacturer, type your BIOS can see in the manuals. Be careful not to install the BIOS IC legs broken or inverted position.Symptoms:CPU Beep sound several times in the speaker and no display to the screen, when the monitor is not problematic.Solution:Beep Beep indicates a specific error message from the BIOS, it shows what kind of noise what went wrong on the PC, usually the error is detected in a morbidly Memory, VGA card, which is not installed properly, even Processor Monitor data cable can be your penyebabnya.Silahkan check the problem.BIOS error messageBIOS Beep error usually indicates that not all motherboards the same mistake depending on the type of its BIOS.AMI BIOSBeep 1x:RAM / Memory is not installed or Damaged Good, Beep 6x: Error Gate A20 - Showing the damaged or IC Keyboard Gate A20 of his own, Beep 8x: Grapihic Card / VGA Card is not installed properly or Damaged, Beep 11x: Checksum Error Bios Battery check, and replace with new.AWARD BIOS1x Long beep:RAM / Memory is not installed or Damaged Good, Beep 1x 2x Short Length: Damage At Graphic Card (VGA), Check the installation could also not fit in their slots (not entered), Beep 1x 3x Short Length: Keyboard is damaged or not installed. Beep is interrupted / continuous sound: RAM or Graphics Card not detected.CMOS Batrey Damaged / WeakSymptoms:Messages appear CMOS Checksum Vailure / Batrey Low, caused tegangna which to supply IC CMOS / BIOS does not normally weak due batrey, thus setting the BIOS back to factory default Default-nya/setingan, and hardware configuration should be in Reset.Solution:Replace it immediately BatreyCPU SYSTEM PROBLEMSSymptoms: The CPU is often Hang?Solution:There are several factors occur hanging among them: There BadSector in hard drive, virus There, There is a problem in hardware such as Memory Dirty / Damaged, Mboard Dirty / Damaged, Cooling Fan fan rotation was already weak, unstable power supply ... .. should not be forced to use because it will result in more fatal, please contact: us to be able to resolve the issueSymptoms:Computers often appear blue screen what causes it?Solution:Blue Screen message can be caused by windows system is broken, Can of Memory, Can the hard drive, could be from other components, depending on the blue screen message displayed.Symptoms:Computers so more slowly than before, although initially not so slowSolution:Cause your computer slow process there are several factors: Space hard drive is too full, too many programs / software that is consuming disk space and memory, there is a virus, hard drive BadSector.FILE MISSINGMissing files, partition destroyed, or damaged system? No need to worry. CHIP rescue throw tires for your valuable data. No matter whether on the hard disk, DVD, or memory-card. All can be restored.When someone falls from the ship into the sea, rescuers should immediately thrown tires. If there is missing data from your PC, quickly use the CHIP-DVD. It does not matter whether it's your photos stored on SD-card, a document on your hard disk, or data on a DVD that is damaged. Tool of CHIP to reconstruct all that seemed lost (but not crushed).For every case of CHIP provide a workshop. When a simple rescue action fails, there are further tips. Experienced users who do not require the display program can restore deleted partition from the command line. In addition, CHIP has also resemble small programs that smart to prevent data loss. These tools will save important files to save your data and even, in part carried out automaticallySAVE ON FILE TYPE:In DiskRecovery, on the left you will see the type of file, while in the right pane are listed the names of the files found.Personal edition price about 80 Euro and can be operated on a single PC. Prices are obviously more expensive professional edition, but can be used on many PCs. Personal Edition is adequate if you just want to save the files on the PC itself. In CHIP-DVD version is available personalized with full function which is valid for 30 days.Selecting a partition:DiskRecovery Run through the 'Start | O & O Software | O & O DiskRecovery'. In the Start menu, click 'Next'. In the next window select the drive containing the files to be restored. When the partitions are deleted, remove the sign in front of the option 'Hide unpartitionable areas'. Click 'Next'.On the 'Advanced Settings', you do not need to change anything, unless you want to find a new file is deleted with more than 512 MB size that is not listed in the Master File Table. If you do not want to look for files like that, get rid of the sign in front of 'Deep Scan' MFT for the search to be faster.Define search parameters:Click 'Next'. In the next window, specify the type of files to be restored. Usually all known file types DiskRecovery automatically activated. If you only want to restore an AVI file, click 'Deselect All' and mark it in front of 'AVI'.You also can choose the option 'Filter on group files' then activate the option 'Movie' in the pull-down menu. With this, DiskRecovery will search for files AVI, MPEG, WMV, and the like. Confirm by clicking 'OK'.Restore the file:By clicking the button 'Next', DiskRecovery will start the search file. It may take several minutes depending on size of partition. It takes approximately two minutes for each GB. DiskRecovery will display the results by file type.Select the files you want to restoration. Next, click 'Next'. In the next window, specify a folder to store files that have been saved. The default is 'My Documents | Recover'. Click 'Next' to begin the actual recovery process.SAVE FILE:After the scan, PC Inspector File Recovery will display all files that were deleted. Now you can restore it easily.Tip 1 Save the data from the system partition:When the data to be saved in the system partition, the procedure is slightly different. Every time a program is enabled, Windows will write new data on the system partition so that files will be saved at risk of falling. Therefore, it is better to use R-Studio that you can download from R-Studio provides emergency tool that is active only in RAM and do not touch the partition.Tip 2 Save more data:In exotic files like MP4 or AAC, DiskRecovery should give up because not included in 300 formats are automatically recognized. However, you can expand its function. Create a signature file itself in the form of pattern codes to identify the type of file. For this purpose usually used as freeware HxD hexeditor.When you open AAC files with HxD via the command 'File | Open', it would seem that 4 hexadecimal value of the first is always the same, namely FF, F1, 59, 80. Put these values ​​into DiskRecovery

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